Tuesday 27 July 2010

Hear the CALL

Salam and hello to all...

Hear the CALL is my first educational blog which is a requirement for our CALL subject TSL 641. Anyway, do you know what CALL is?

Is this the CALL?

of course NOT! (^_^)

As a brief introduction before other entries are posted, CALL is actually the short form of Computer Assisted Language Learning.
Or, in a simple word, you use a computer program/software in learning a language...

I did remember using a computer software in kindergarten, but forgot what kind of software it was. During my lower secondary school years, my school had been selected as a smart school. So we had a one period subject that was specialized to teach us learning something via computer/internet. Nevertheless, the class was only carried out for about several weeks, if I'm not mistaken, before it became worthless and abandoned by the teachers. It was abandoned, means the teachers did not utilize the class to teach using the technology. Some of the reasons were because the computers were always problematic and it became a hassle for the teachers to deal with something new to them and the students, what's more the syllabus of other core subjects were still abundance to be finished.

hmm...so, do you hear the CALL? [especially for the educators and educators-to-be]

I wonder...


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